sreda, 8. julij 2009

Where do grapes come from?

Grapes are one of the most known and also one of the oldest fruit in the world. It can be used for eating, making wine and also for health. But have you ever questioned yourself where do grapes come from?
Grapes are one of that fruits that have been cultivated by human since long time ago. So where do grapes come from? According to the Bible, Noah planted a vineyard on the hill Ararat. But if we take a step away from the bible talking, and believe to the historian, grapes where cultivated by the man even before. The wild grapes grown in Caucasus already in stone age. And it didn't take long that men realized that is not good only for eating, but it can be also used to make wine. In that moment the grape cultivation started.
It is sentificaly proved (details of grape and wine production are shown in the hieroglyphics of the 4th (2400 BC), 17th, and 18th dynasties), that grape cultivation was known in old Egypt. But they used wine only for temple ceremony and not for so called social drinking. On the other side we got antic Romans and Greeks. They really enjoyed the taste of grapes and primarily the effect of wine, so they planted a huge number of vineyards. They have also learned how to dry grapes. Gauls are the first to use wooden barrels for storing wine, and some centuries later french medieval monks started the culture of wine cellar. They have become known over all world and their knowledge is still used today.
It is practically impossible to answered the question where do grapes come from, but there are some facts that describes when men discovered facts about grapes and used it to upgrade the grape production. People as traveling merchants, soldiers, priest and others traveled from place to place and discovered new techniques and new methods of how to grow grapes. They have also discovered new sorts of grapes and new techniques of making wine. One of the most brilliant inventions was crossing different sorts of grapes together. People could invent new sorts which where more appropriate to specific soil and specific climatic conditions.
Not only this. Over the years, people realized that grapes have also healthy effect. New cures and new medicine products were invented using only grapes. In the 19th century the first grape spa was opened in France. Addition to special grape cures and grape baths, they were specialized on grape diets.
So this is a short summary of grape history. I really hope you got more knowledge about where do grapes come from. If you want to learn more you can check out an interesting article on Hubbpages or visit our site:

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